

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 3 months ago

Dinner for the Boston Web Community (Blogger Dinner)


Password to Edit Wiki (and add your name) is: community


Update: OK Folks - Thanks for signing up! We're looking forward to meeting each and every one of you Thursday night. The event will start at six pm. We've reserved the second floor of the Rattlesnake... When you get there, come on up! Good news - we'll be able to accomondate everyone on the list! As long as your name appears below (I've removed the folks who had conflicts), we'll have a spot waiting for you.


See you Thursday!

Len & Jeremiah




Thanks Everyone for coming, please tag your photos "Bloggerdinnerbostonoct07"

and link to this Technorati page:


So we can keep track of all photos and blog posts for historical purposes.





Want to meet, network, and collaborate with other web professionals? Come out and meet the passionate!


Purpose: A community event, where the focus is on the industry growing and learning from collaboration.


Who can come: Anyone interested in the Web Industry, Bloggers, Social Media folks


Sponsored by: Thank you Len Devanna and EMC for sponsoring this casual get-together. In the spirit of the community there will be no pitches, demos, or 'sales' type activity, come and just meet the community


Background info: Len has posted his thoughts on the event, as has Jeremiah


Other Incoming Links: Dave Winer, (Father of RSS, Blogging, and Podcasting)


Tags for the event: Bloggerdinnerbostonoct07


Venue Details



Date: Thursday, October 18th...

Time: 6pm until 8.

The event can spill over to the main bar or to another venue, of course, this will need to self-organize.



Rattlesnake Bar & Grill


384 Boylston St.

(bet. Arlington & Berkeley Sts.)

RattleSnake Bar


Venue, Drinks, Finger Foods and Appetizers are being provided by EMC, additional food and drinks after the alotted time will be self-paid by attendees.



Headcount Limitations

We're capping this event to 100 people, please sign up below



Update, Oct 5, 2007: Only the first 100 on the list will be allowed, if you can't make it, please strike through your name! Thanks



Sign Up by leaving name here:


  1. Jeremiah Owyang (Who's in Cambridge for Forrester new Analyst training)
  2. Len Devanna Our host and Director eBusiness Strategy & Operations EMC Corporation
  3. John Eckman Optaros, OpenParenthesis (Interested in Open Source, Social Software and Online Communities)
  4. Kyle Flaherty Engage In PR (Social Media Consultant)
  5. Jeff Glasson PerkettPR (Social Media Consultant)
  6. Oliver Young -Peter Kim-, Forrester Research


  1. Jeff Greco, Boston University Office of New Media (Web Producer & Strategist)
  2. Joshua Gee, political communications
  3. Liz Polay-Wettengel, Internet Marketing Manager, Combined Jewish Philanthropies, specializing in web content, blogging and social networking
  4. Dan Schawbel, EMC Marketing / Personal Branding Guru
  5. Jeff Cram (ISITE Design - Web Strategist and Co-Founder)
  6. Steve Garfield, Videoblogger
  7. Jeni Cram (Farm Aid - Web Marketing Manager)
  8. Scott Monty (crayon, the Social Media Marketing Blog)
  9. Christine Perkett PerkettPR (President & Founder)
  10. Brian Reich (Director of New Media, Cone LLC)
  11. Lauren Moores (Compete )
  12. Dan Zarrella (SMM)
  13. Adam Cohen (Principal, Brulant, Inc. - Interactive Marketing consultant)
  14. David Aponovich - --ISITE Design--- CMS Strategist (Sorry for late notice; a time conflict prevents me from going tonight!)
  15. Todd Defren (SHIFT Communications principal & blogger) Really wish I could make it - just too much going on... have fun!


  1. Alison Driscoll (blogger)
  2. Michael Katz (Progress Software, Web Marketing)
  3. Dave Hamilton - BackBeat Media and The Mac Observer
  4. Scott Bauman - Greenough Communications
  5. Chris Brogan - Community Developer
  6. Stacey Stein, Communications Director, Planned Parenthood League of MA
  7. Mark Doerschlag, MarksGuide Car accident the other day & still not 100% - sorry to miss out!
  8. John Wall - Ronin Marketeer and Marketing Over Coffee  I have a meeting that's been extended, but I'm in for the afterparty.
  9. Stephen DiMarco - Compete
  10. Jay Meattle - Compete
  11. Karen Hudgins - Unica Corporation
  12. C.C. Chapman - Managing the Gray and Freelance New Media Maven
  13. Phillip Zannini - Biography Podcast and PhillyMac Media
  14. Eric Karofsky, Molecular, Strategy Consulting
  15. Constantine von Hoffman, social media manager Spoke Software and blogger: and Business&
  16. Jay Neely, Freelance consultant & writer. -
  17. Paul Quigley, Web Strategy, analytics & technology consultant
  18. Stephen Warley, Founder,
  19. Aaron Strout, VP New Media @ Shared Insights We Are Smarter (and last but not least, my aaron's facebook profile)
  20. Jeremy Crane -"> - Sorry last minute change in plans so I won't be able to make it for this round


  1. Sarah Wurrey - CustomScoop
  2. Michael Cook, Gexpro
  3. Eric Dubiner - Service Delivery Manager, Vamosa (Content Migration)
  4. Karen Leavitt, CMO, Mzinga
  5. Claire Spina PerkettPR (Account Director)
  6. -Cynthia Stephens - --Compete- (sorry -- I won't be able to make it tonight. Enjoy it!)
  7. Bryan Maleszyk - User Experience Consultant
  8. Nathan Burke- Web Community Evangelist, matchmine LLC
  9. Beth Kanter, Nonprofits and Social Media Blogger
  10. Luke Gedeon, Kdari,, karmageek


  1. Kevin Kempskie, EMC Corp. (PR Manager)
  2. Barry Burke, aka the storage anarchist
  3. Mark Twomey. Storagezilla
  4. Andy Singleton, Assembla
  5. Michelle Heath, Director of Marketing, matchmine LLC (and here's my Facebook profile)
  6. Venkk Sastry, Web Technologist
  7. Michelle Riggen-Ransom, Communications Director, BatchBlue Software
  8. Adam Darowski, User Experience Designer, BatchBlue Software
  9. Mike Darowski, Interactive Media Project Manager Mike Darowski Consulting, Inc.
  10. Ed Zbinski, Web Designer MembersFirst
  11. Rick McEachern - Client Lead, AvenueA Razorfish
  12. Riccardo La Rosa, Director of Emerging Interactions, Molecular
  13. Chet Geschickter, Dot Com Strategist, Open Method
  14. Gina Minks, EMC
  15. Kevin Murray, Manager, VistaPrint
  16. Emmett Higdon, Senior Analyst, Forrester Research
  17. Jennifer Kidwell,
  18. Kristen Fergason, Maven Networks


  1. Brian Rosenthal, EMC
  2. Susan Curran, Managing Web Editor, MIT
  3. Sean Brown, Web Technologies Consultant, MIT
  4. Susan MacPhee, CMS Web Developer MIT and CommonPlaces
  5. Howard Davidson, Interactive Media Manager,CBI 
  6. unable to attend!
  7. Alex Fisher, Web Manager,RSA
  8. Ali Taalebi, Science Center ,MIT
  9. Laura Krier, Simmons GSLIS
  10. Jennifer Mitchell, Analog Devices eBusiness Manager
  11. Lauren Clark, MIT and drinkboston
  12. Sonia Brathwaite, MIT
  13. AJ Philippakis,
  14. Tracy Rolling, Director of Community and Product, Platial, the People's Atlas
  15. William McCullough, VP of Sales, FreeCause
  16. Chris Keenum, VP of Business Development, FreeCause
  17. Cheryl Travis, Senior Manager, Lois Paul & Partners
  18. Jonathan Follett, President and Chief Creative Officer, Hot Knife Design, Inc.
  19. Doc Searls, Harvard Fellow, Berkman center, Blogger, Co-Author of Cluetrain Manifesto
  20. Jamie Bull, Lois Paul & Partners
  21. Julia Roy, Senior Agent, Undercurrent
  22. Yianni Garcia, Social Media Strategist, Digital Influence Group
  23. Amanda Gravel, Boston University Senior and Schneider Associates Social Media Intern
  24. Amanda Mooney, Emerson Senior and Schnieder Associates Social Media Intern
  25. Eric Mertzlufft, Website Developer and Entrepreneur
  26. Jesse Baer, Berkman Center Intern
  27. Gretchen Bender, Greenough Communications
  28. Liz Laneri, Horn Group
  29. Andrea Mercado, & (hurray for sneaking me in, thanks!)
  30. Dr. John Grohol, CEO & Publisher, Psych Central
  31. Steve Woit, Founding Publisher, Xconomy
  32. Eli Stonberg, blogger
  33. Alyssa Boehm, blogger and podcaster
  34. Laura Athavale Fitton, @pistachio, Pistachio Consulting
  35. Nina Braun, P.R. Specialist, eScription
  36. Ted Weismann, Senior Vice President, Lois Paul & Partners
  37. Selina McCusker, SM Strategist, EMC
  38. Todd Van Hoosear, Social Media Practice Manager, Topaz Partners
  39. Seth Aaronson, Toonamation
  40. Mark Soper, Alluvial Labs
  41. Michelle Wolverton,
  42. Oliver Young, Analyst, Forrester Research
  43. Lisa Kate Radden, educator & web designer, Education@LKR design (I'll catch you at the "spill-over")
  44. Ann Handley, Head of Content, MarketingProfs

This is our cap - Sorry - Next time we'll go for a bigger venue!


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